Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny
The objective

Establish Miras as an institutional investor by balancing the family’s storied history with the future that the third generation is building.

What we did


Brand Identity



Art Direction


Our approach

We needed to strike a balance between the past, present, and future — leveraging the family’s storied history as proof of longevity, but also shining a light on the impressive growth that this current generation has achieved.

The strategy

We conducted market research, consumer interviews, and a category analysis to understand the points of difference that were most important to LPs and GPs. Proving that Miras was a savvy, long-term investor was key.

We emphasized longevity through the family’s history and three generations of investors. We highlighted that Miras was women-owned — a unique point of difference for the category and for the region. We credentialed the investment committee, and even called out its strong female presence. Our goal was to clearly distinguish Miras from other investors, and the company had the characteristics to make that possible.

Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny
The Brand

We leaned into the company’s Oman roots. We developed a color palette that was inspired by the region. We introduced an elegant, yet structured type system rooted in the country’s architecture. We built an image library that transported people to the scenic, diverse landscapes: the cities, the mountains, the coast, and more.

Every decision we made touched on the company’s history and legacy, while simultaneously marking Miras as a key player in the modern investment space.

Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny
The result

A brand evocative of its history, but with the staying power to be at the beginning of its legacy.

the credits